Snow and Space!~Letter K and A
(remember we concentrate on the "short" a sound)
We began our week with our "K" show and tell that we had missed last Friday.
Here are several…. 
Crew shows off his Kangaroo
Bree and Owen show their Keys
Today's baby is Sarah's Kid
This took some 'splaining! It's Charlotte's Knife
This is Eden's Kaleidoscope
Lincoln brought Keys, too
Channing showed his Kit Kat
Hunter shared his Kisses-literally
Campbell showed his Kitty
Rayna ( not sure why the wide eyes) shared her Kitty
Elsie showed her puppet "King" and breathed new life into our puppet station
More Kittys from Eliza and Allie
Adeline showed off her picture of mommy, "Kelly"
We demonstrated the number 3 (3 children brought Keys) and the number 4 (4 children brought Kittys) on our ten frame
I'm so grateful for our Minds in Motion room. Along with the obvious benefits of large motor skill development, agility and exercise ~spinning, jumping, crawling, and balancing…have strong connections to the healthy development of body systems that directly impact brain development.
We also have been working on crab walking and skipping. See if your child has mastered either of these and encourage practice at home. (For skipping, I say step - hop; step - hop…. the hop is on the foot that took the step) Once the step hop is learned, it easily transitions to actual skipping
Another worthwhile and crazy fun activity is jumping rope.
In an effort to help with success, Miss Andrea and I try to whip the rope under your Prepper as they hop. We get so tickled as some of the children jump immediately as we say jump, and others process our directions….and then jump.
We enlisted Charlotte as the photographer and I love how she took it soooo seriously
We practice our sight words with motions - here we are saying,
"S e e, see" as we act like we are looking around~
You gotta love this -Crew is working on finding and highlighting "a's" as he sports his favorite pirate hat and keeps an eye on his roast turkey
Lincoln made a card for home as Dane looks on-
Friday was our second show and tell- this time the letter A
Rayna's Ariel
Elsie's Aligator
Eliza's Anna
Sarah's Aunt Allison
Charlotte's Acrobat
Channing's Airplane
Dylan's Apple
Adeline's Apple
Eden's Autograph book
Allie's Apple
Campbell's Airplane
Owen's ApronCrew's Aligator
Hunter's Angry Birds
Dane who has a long A in his name
Our 3 Apple bringers on our ten frame
We had an in-house field trip- the other classes joined us in our classroom and "Astronaut Miss Kelly" gave us a presentation on the shuttle, astronauts, the moon and stars~
We finished up our week with a special snack from Eden and her mom
Our bible story this week, was "Jesus Calming the Storm." We remembered that nothing is too hard for God. We were reminded that we do not have to be fearful. Usually quiet Eden chimed in "I'm not afraid, that's why I sleep all by myself in my room!"
Have a blessed weekend. I'll see you on Wednesday- Miss Paula
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