Saturday, August 18, 2018

Kinde-prepr Launch!

Kinder-prep Launch

Cute as a Button for sure! 
Introducing Most* ofthe 2018-2019 Class of 2032!!!


(they REALLY wanted their pictures together!)

 And Miss Paula's first day!

We start each day with immediately engaging our minds, senses, and fine motor skills.....

At Circle time we say the pledge and discuss our calendar
Then on to our stations.....(each child visits each station every day)

All year we emphasize ..."every letter every day"
We begin with the letters in our names: first in order, second out of order, then printing the letters in our name correctly.
this station will become our "reading station" and will be using the Jan Richardson's model of Guided Reading

Miss Amy leads our preppers in wonderful arts and crafts.  Miss Amy uses a variety of mediums and techniques and will also be introducing your child to some art appreciation.

Our S.T.E.M. (science, technology, engineering, math) station includes a sensory bin,  puzzles, special building supplies, tools, a microscope and other hands on discovery items

Our home living station provides a multitude of engaging toys stimulating creativity and the wonderful art of "pretend."

Our "Green Room" has a "Minds in Motion" course (more to come on that) and provides us space for larger muscle activities. Here we are doing Toody Ta
ah......give it a try with your child!

We will get outside for large muscle and social fun every day the weather permits

and a quick selfie!

Every week we have a Bible Verse....

"God's way is perfect.” 2 Samuel 22:31

Our story this week was........

We learned that God's ways are perfect (Naaman was asked

 to do something for his healing and when he did, he was

healed.) and that God is Awesome!

We had 2 large donations of Pete the Cat items.
Thank you, Parents...

Nurse Jo weighed and measured us and stayed to do some

baseline assessments. Thank you!

Have a blessed weekend!

* I attempt to include a few shots of each child, and inadvertently a

and unintentionally may miss your child! One time I left Miss 


(3s teacher) son out of the entire blog.  Asking forgiveness for any 

missed today and in the future!

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