Pond Fun and Lots About Frogs!
Frogs are smooth and can jump far on their powerful legs
Toads are bumpy and make lots of short hops
Fun pond life
Making a Frog…we also cut out pictures and sequenced the cycle from egg to mature adult frog (tadpoles in the middle!)
We used old scrabble letters to make practice letter recognition, letter sounds and to make simple words~
We rolled dice (actually only one) counted and copied the dots and wrote the correct number- (could be good practice at home)
We have a section for books that the Preppers can read, here Eden is working on "Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?"

Our structures are becoming more complex, with lots of details….
Yay for better weather….
The Preppers benefit from Minds in Motion each day!
We have also all learned to skip and crab walk-have you tried that lately?
Skipping helps develop bi-lateral integration of brain hemispheres while improving rhythmic motor development in a smooth coordinated manner - it enhances motor planning in students, increasing their learning capabilities and develops essential automaticity of the brain/body. (C.M.)
We enjoyed some very creative, yummy, and healthy snacks
Look! C.J. beat Crew to the Pirate hat!
(A big thank you to Dylan's Mom, pictured in back for checking our letters, sounds and words!)
Elsie's flowered shirt and Campbell's egg dye kit~
Excuse the selfie - Dylan brought a beautiful violet (We grannies are children of the 60's)
Doesn't his face say, "WHAT IS SHE DOING?"
We are using every sign of spring to remind us that "Jesus is Alive!"
(Pictured in back is Miss Andrea, who faithfully teaches, prepares and straightens~)
We used last week's Bible Story (Jesus, Mary and Martha) since last week we only met once as a whole class ~ Here Charlotte and Bree are retelling the story~
There were two sisters……..
Have a blessed, happy and safe Thunder Weekend!
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