Watermelon, Walruses and Watercolors and George Washington!
Hooway for Wodney Wat (Hooray for Rodney Rat) and the letter Ww!
We began our week with a lesson on our first and 16th presidents in celebration of Presidents Day
Our Ww videos...
Some of our W activities……

Some of Our wonderful Ww Show and Tells…..
Lincoln and Campbell share the Character, Woody
Dylan's Lego Wheels
Channing's Wheels
Rayna's pictures of Disney World
Charlotte's Wand
Crew's scuba diver in a Wetsuit
Bree's worm and Wii remote
Eliza's Snow White
Sarah's Watering can
Adeline's water gun
Owen's water
Elsie's Whistle
Adeline's Washcloth
We are singing "Zachaeus was a Wee Little Man" Our Bible Story continued our theme about God's love demonstrated to everyone.
Our precious, precious "Preppers" joining me in prayer before our snack.
Going over our classroom rule with hand motions
Fun in the Class…...
This cool castle was made by Charlotte, Adeline, Sarah and Elsie
I'm demonstrating the proper and not so proper ways to come to the red carpet (Miss Andrea must have thought this to be picture worthy!)
It Was a Wildly Wonderful Week!