Friday, September 27, 2019


Cracking "Dinosaur Eggs"

Getting a little help from the sun

1 - 5 dot to dinosaur dot to dot!

Even dinosaur snacks

Pretend stories: Fiction --Real stories: Non Fiction

Sorting Shapes

Pattern blocks fall shapes

Pattern Blocks are an amazing resource to help kids understand various Geometric math concepts. Learn about relationships among shapes, angles and more ...

Letter Hh

Letter Hh and "h"ole punching "h"oles!

Letter Hh show and tell
3 helicopters

6 horses (saying "hhhhhh")

Some extras....including
hats, house, hanger, hairbrush, hotwheels

And we love the O-r-a-n-g-e

Outside fun on beautiful fall days

The "Ziggle" is the hands down most popular thing on our playground. (Could someone pass that along to Santa)

About once a week we see who can name every student. When we can, we get a trip to the treasure box.

Our Lafayette firefighters came to visit and show us how to be safe.

Most of us got ON the firetruck!

Have a great fall break and don't forget to check our our creation song...
go to bottom of last blog for a link!