Ice and Snowmen!- Letter Kk and fun, fun, fun!
Morning Rituals
Snowman snacks Can you build a snowman?(barbells, hammers and letter ks)
Pretend Ice cream snowball sundaes
Snowy Picture
Painting with ice cubes
Our art works are hanging in the room- take a peek
Discoveries in the room
And a silly selfie
We are loving our rearranged Green Room
My silly yellow peppers!
Jesus can do Everything!

This month we learned
God can do anything-
Jesus filled Peter's nets with so many fish that the nets began to break and the boat began to sink.
Jesus fed over 5,000 hungry people with only 5 loaves and two fish
(this week) The disciples see Jesus walking on

Jesus can do Everything!

This month we learned
God can do anything-
Jesus filled Peter's nets with so many fish that the nets began to break and the boat began to sink.
Jesus fed over 5,000 hungry people with only 5 loaves and two fish
(this week) The disciples see Jesus walking on